Together we are strong!
Join us now!

Become a member of an organization that promotes awareness

in the preservation of cultural heritage and charity of the Cordillera Igorots in Germany.


There are two options available for you becoming an official member of our organization:


1. Fill up the Online-Membership-Form by clicking the bottom below:

2. Download the Membership-Form (PDF-file) provided below and send the completed form to following email-adress:

*Please note that your CGO-Membership attains official status 
upon payment of the Registration Fee 
(see below). 

Charity Hike 2 - October 2023

Our members organized a hike with a goal of not only for adventure but also for a good cause.

Charity Hike in Mont Blanc - September 2023

We welcome and appreciate donations

"With your donations you help our community to grow."


Cordillera Germany Organization e. V. 

Deutsche Skatbank

IBAN:  DE43 8306 5408 0004 2913 28



*Receipts of donations will be issued by the organization.

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